Luke 9:24-25 – find out the real you

Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? -Luke 9:24-25 [MSG]

A lot of people are trying to find out their identity in their lives, they want to know who they really are. Most of them feels that they just live under people’s expectation, surrounded by hypocrisy, and they are unsatisfied with their lives. They who can’t stand the pressure of being ‘someone else’ start to run to things that they think can satisfy themselves, free-sex, drugs, and many other things that in fact just give them temporary satisfaction. These kind of things don’t give them the real revelation of who they really are and what they want to be.

This verse tells us clearly, that self-help, finding the answer by ourselves, is useless. But, God has a way for that. He is the one who created us. He knows who we really are, each one of us. God is great enough, so much greater than we might think, to know every single detail of every people in the world. We might be just a small creature compared to the vast universe, but God knows our names. So if we want to know our real selves, just come to Him. It’s said that the way is self-sacrifice, means to live not for ourselves anymore, but live for Him. Do what He wants us to do, not what we want, because He knows the best for us. Build our relationships with God and find out His will on our lives, get the REAL US!!

~ by lumierre9 on September 20, 2010.

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